There are TONS of ways you can adapt these ideas to make them your own, and to personalize gifts for your Dad.
Many of these projects are easy for kids - so bring them on Saturday, June 14th, to make something for their Dad! Many will be completed with one firing, and some with a little more embellishment of your own after firing. All will be greatly treasured!
We have new patterns for all kinds of wildlife! So if your Dad is a hunter, fisherman, bird watcher, or wildlife watcher, he's sure to love whatever you make!
In fact, I think all Dads love anything you make - especially if they're delivered with a batch of homemade cookies... even the burned ones (cookies, that is)!
Shown above (click on image to make it larger, if you wish):
Stand-Up Fish... I also made a Stand-Up Deer, but it was still cooling in the kiln when I put the photo above together... So, there is a photo of it at the bottom of this list. The size is about 3"x4"... could be used on a desk, shelf ... or what about to decorate a cake? You can create any design you like... wedding figures, action figures... you are the creator!
Key Chain... If you do your own beading, you can complete it at home; or we have all the components (purchased separately) and tools here for you to complete it.
Fish Decor... Make the glass fish in the studio and either use it as a sun catcher alone, or create a unique hanger for it out of wood. We might be able to persuade Phil to dig in his wood scrap pile to find a piece of wood for you, or use something of your own... maybe even not wood, you are the creator!
Wine Bottle Stopper... Just two cabachons that are done firing and ready to be glued onto your stopper (available for purchase separately at our studio) in just a matter of hours!
Individual Chip & Dip Plate... Use our wildlife patterns, or come up with some ideas of your own. Individualize it for your Dad. This plate can also be used for fries & ketchup, veggies & dip... pretzles & mustard! In fact, the plate shown is 9"x12"x1" and would hold fries, ketchup AND a burger! It's awesome!
Magnets... Make dichroic or plain, smooth or textured... shapes, squares, circles... the sky is the limit! If you happen to deliver these with homemade cookies, don't let your Dad eat them!
Money Clips... A single cabachon embellishes the clip. Simple and quick! (When Dad takes out his cash to put it in the money clip, be sure to be there to ask for some! :-)
Night Lights... OK. Even though I think most Dads say they can see in the dark and won't stub their toes on anything when they walk through dark rooms (I really think they're trying to save electricity-but night lights don't really use much electricity), I'll bet any Dad would love to have something created by you especially for him. AND, he'd use it so you'd know he was proud of it. Remember to deliver it with some freshly made cookies for added impact!
Other Personalized Gifts... The boot plate shown can be adapted to include your own ranch brand! But, you can create any design you like... western, contemporary, you name it! In fact, what a perfect gift to complete by adding a pile of homemade cookies to be delivered with it!
If you are in need of a cookie recipe - especially if you need one with high altitude adjustments, just email me. Phil and Marge are the models used for the Cookie Monster, and have been taste testing my cookies for a number of years now. I have tons of great cookie recipes!
Need more ideas? Come to the studio to be inspired! Business card holders, paper clip holders, biscotti holders, tea bag holders... You'll probably be overwhelmed with ideas!
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