Click on the calendar to enlarge it.
Following are short descriptions of what to expect from workshops and open studio times, as well as an invitation for you to form small groups of your own for special projects of your choice.
Phone: 307-399-6441
Email: dts@martinsglasshouse.com
Looking forward to seeing you in February!
Want to learn more about glass fusing? A group setting helps a lot - you can gain new ideas from other students working with you, and their questions might help you answer some of your own. Techniques are taught and/or demonstrated for students to learn about glass fusing at a drastically reduced fee. Workshop topics vary from month to month, oftenplanned with seasonal projects in mind. Workshop class size is limited to a maximum of 10 students per class.
Open studio times are provided for students who have already taken the Fusing Basics workshop, or who already have fusing experience and have learned appropriate safety, glass cutting and fusing procedures. Students may use the studuio workspace, tools and other educational materials to select and produce projects of their own choosing. The instructor is present to answer questions, as well as to provide guidance and offer suggestions so that the student can continue to learn about glass fusing while creating their projects.
There is a per visit studio fee which covers use of tools, some supplies and kiln firing. An additional fee is charged for all glass used and other materials that may be needed for special projects. The only glass that may be used for projects at open studio times will be that which is made available for purchase through the Martin's Glass House studio.
Please make arrangements to come to Open Studio times at least one day in advance to be sure there is room available for you to work and adequate tool supply.
We love parties - and FUN! Birthdays, graduations, bridal parties or other celebrations... Just give us a call to put together something special for your special occasion. Or, if you see an advertised workshop that doesn't fit your schedule, just round up a minimum of 4 people and reschedule for a time that works for you.
Don't know anything about fusin or cutting glass, or just want to see what it's all about before you get too involved? This class is for you - and it is required if you want to attend Open Studio times, too! This workshop is an introduction to glass fusing basics offered once a month. Designed for beginners. What you will learn:
- Safety procedures for glass fusing.
- Types of glass used for fusing.
- What happens to glass in the kiln at different temperatures.
- Fundamental techniques for glass cutting.
- How to use all glass cutting tools in the studio.
- How to layer glass to achieve a finished project.
PROJECT: One 8-inch square piece that can be used to hang in a windor, or which can be shaped in to a bowl, plate or vase.
FEE: $45, includes cost for all glass materials, supplies and kiln firing.
Make a new fruit-shaped dish or plate each month. By the end of the year, you'll have a fruit salad - or salsa! New members will learn the techniques, past participants get a discount!
February's suggested PROJECT is the PAPAYA - and we will be serving Kiwi Papaya Salsa! AND... we will also have a demonstration (with some student participation) on how to make vitrigraph!
PROJECT: 6-inch round fused glass plate or bowl.
Techniques/Knowledge Base:
- Cutting circles.
- Making and using glass frit.
- Combining frit with scrap glass to create a fusing layer.
- Using dots, stringers and/or vitrigraph as design elements.
- Making vitrigraph.
Dichroic Glass Jewelry, that is! Plenty of time to make lots of jewelry for Valentine's Day! We'll teach you the basic techniques - then you can go wild! For example - for just the price of the workshop, if you work quickly during this TWO HOUR workshop, you can make cabachons for:
- UP TO SIX pendants, or THREE pendants with matching earrings for each one
- Belt buckles
- Wine bottle stoppers
- Money clips
- Bookmarks
- Key rings
- Letter openers
- Bolo ties
- Remembrance tins
Techniques/Knowledge Base:
- Scoring and breaking glass.
- Cutting circles.
- Layering glass for fusing.
- Making channels in pendants for hanging them on cords/chains.
- Sizing cabachons for specific sized project pieces.
Are you ready to see some color when you look out your window? You can bring some beautiful colors into your home by making these incredible beaded fused glass window hangins! Don't have any beading experience? We'll teach you how to do that, too, and all materials are included in this one price workshop! Choose from a variety of patterns that will be supplied, or create a design of your own.
FEE: $45.00 includes cost for all glass, supplies, beads, wire for hanging, and kiln firing.
- Scoring and breaking glass.
- Using the ring saw (depending on design).
- Drilling holes in glass.
- Working with beading wire, planning a bead design and stringing beads.
Do you sometimes feel like coloring outside the lines? Ready for a challenge? Want to try something new? We're going to break all those rules that you learned long ago about having to stay within the lines! We're going to aim for approximately an 8-inch x 8-inch free-form (maybe with an evident design) finished piece... NOT a CIRCLE, NOT a SQUARE. If you want to have some fun, let's give this a try!
FEE: $45.00 includes cost for all glass materials and kiln firing. Chain for window hanging is extra, as are any other parts for making a lamp if you choose to make a lamp shade.
Techniques/Knowledge Base:
- Using glass scraps.
- Scoring and breaking glass.
- Breaking or cutting curves in glass.
- Overlaying glass colors.
- Using the color wheel.
- Drilling holes in glass (depending on project).
- Using high temperature wire (for window hangings).
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