The Forest Service offered an extension of the deadline to get ornaments submitted for the National Christmas Tree this year. They needed to be sure they had at least 5,000 ornaments for the tree!
So, I tried to recruit some more people to make additional ornaments to add to the batch that I had already delivered to the Forest Service Office. (I heard later that they exceeded the 5,000 necessary ornaments!)
Leslie dropped everything and stopped cleaning her carpets to come over to make ornaments. Phil ran next door and recruited nearly the whole family - Kim and kids Erik (10) and Ryan (8), as well as their grandmother Mary, and cousin Katie (8).
Katie's ornaments are above. The rest are below!
Phil and I made some extras to fill up the kiln. Phil made his out of the scraps just laying on the table after everyone else had gone home!
Western Snowmen by Erik! |
Ryan's Snowmen & Penguin! |
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These are Kim's creations! |
Mary's Snowman! |
Leslie's Forever West Ornaments | | |
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This is Phil's ornament. |
Cat's ornaments. |