July is packed with things to do - whether you have a project to finish, or whether you'd like to start something new.
Just click on either of the images in this post to see everything large enough to read and print!
Martin's Glass House is probably the only place in Laramie currently offering you an opportunity to Paint Your Own Pottery!
This is a great opportunity for you to do something quickly for gifts - whether for weddings, baby showers, birthdays... even gifts for pets! It's always great fun to personalize a gift for someone special in your life.
Our stock of bisque ware is limited right now (see photos and costs, below); but if you want to do something special that we don't have, we can special order it for you. (Please plan ahead!)

This started out as an experiment to see what would happen if I just melted some glass over a flower pot. I kind of liked the results - and think you might, too.
So, come join us to play around with some glass and heat - and see what you can make. You can be certain that every piece will be a one-of-a-kind original! You never know what you might end up creating!
See you at the studio really soon, I hope! Remember to please reserve spots in classes and for Fusers at Work Studio Times - at least one day in advance!